Routine Well Visit: 15-17 years

Development - What to Expect

  • School and its associated activities become the central focus of life for many middle adolescents.
  • Demonstrate increasingly responsible and independent decision making -Have hobbies, be active in sports, arts, clubs, or church groups.
  • Help your child set priorities, manage stress, and make progress toward goals. The teen should assume more responsibilities such as obtaining a job, driving, and planning career goals.
  • Set clear expectations and consequences for unacceptable behaviors.
  • Your teen needs 8-10 hours of sleep every night. They often have increased headaches & fatigue because they need more sleep. Fatigue is often due to overscheduling of activities. Try to keep sleep schedules the same during the week and on weekends. Keep phones and internet capable devices out of the bedroom
  • Have discussions with your teen about risk taking behaviors and peer influenced activities such as "dares", "showing off', alcohol/substance use, and sexual activity.
  • Encourage your teen to discuss safe sex and birth control with you.
  • Adolescents have concerns regarding their body image, establishing their identity, and conflicts between their need for independence from authority figures versus a need to be dependent and nurtured.
  • Visit:, search topics like "Physical Changes During Puberty";; www.YounqMensHealthSite.orq


  • Teach your teen about driver safety and responsibilities. Everyone needs to wear a seatbelt and follow traffic regulations. NO texting and driving!
  • Limit screen time (TV, videogames, computer, iPad, etc,) to less than 2 hour per day.
  • Monitor computer games, mobile device use, TV, and internet use for use and content.
  • Reinforce avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, diet pills, steroids, and inhalants.
  • Ensure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working appropriately
  • Review gun safety.

Visit:, search topics like " ";, search "Junior Operator License";, search "Motor Vehicle Safety for Teen Drivers"


  • Limit high fat or low nutrient foods & beverages
  • Share family meal time to make meal time pleasant, encourage conversation, and avoid distractions at the dinner.
  • Your teen may choose snacks, fast foods, or alternative diets (vegetarian, vegan, etc.) as a major source of nutrition. Encourage healthy diet.
  • Dietary supplements to gain or lose weight are not recommended. - Try to get at least 1 hour of exercise every day.
  • Visit:;, search "Nutrition and Supplement Use"

Universal screening at the well child check:

  • Depression screening annually starting at age 12.
  • Depression screening annually starting at age 12.
  • Dyslipidemia screening once between 17-21
  • Hearing screening- once between 15 and 17 year visit
  • V mx c 00ision annually (if not already checked at school or by an eye doctor)
  • Annual tobacco, alcohol and drug use screening