ADHD Treatment in Children

Has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) created challenges for your child? Your Patriot Pediatrics pediatricians, Dr. Mitchell Feldman, Dr. Francine Hennessey and Dr. Jacquelyn Chambers, offer ADHD treatments and strategies that can make your son or daughter's life easier.

Treatment options for ADHD

Depending on the type of ADHD your child has, he or she may fidget, talk almost constantly, lose homework and belongings, daydream, dislike taking turns or become distracted easily. Unfortunately, these symptoms can take a toll on your child's academic and social life.

If you're not sure if your child has ADHD, schedule an evaluation with your pediatrician at Patriot Pediatrics. During the evaluation, the doctor will observe your child, perform a physical examination, and ask both of you questions about his or her symptoms. He or she will also include observations from teachers and caregivers when making a diagnosis.

Should your child be diagnosed with ADHD, his or her pediatrician will discuss treatment options, which can include:

  • Behavioral Therapy: This therapy gives your child the coping skills he or she needs to manage symptoms, but also includes changes you can make to help your son or daughter. You'll learn helpful strategies and skills designed to modify behavior and improve organizational and other skills.
  • Medication: Medication isn't needed for every child who has ADHD, but it can be very helpful for some children. Prescription ADHD medication can reduce hyperactivity and impulsive behavior, make it easier to concentrate and pay attention, and reduce stress. It may take a little while to find the best medication and dosage for your child. After your child starts taking the medication, he or she will need to see the pediatrician more often to monitor the effects and change dosages if needed. In some cases, medication may be combined with behavioral therapy.

Your child's pediatrician can also recommend a few strategies that can be helpful at home, such as:

  • Setting goals and rewarding positive behavior
  • Reducing distractions during homework time
  • Creating schedules that account for every part of your child's day
  • Offering clear, easy-to-understand instructions for tasks

Is your child struggling with ADHD? Call your pediatricians at Patriot Pediatrics, Drs. Feldman, Hennessey, and Chambers, at (781) 674-2900 to schedule your son or daughter's appointment.