Routine Well Visit: 1 Month


There’s more going on than eating, sleeping, and pooping! Your baby is becoming interactive with you and the environment. By 1 month, he/she should:

  • Lift their head when lying on tummy
  • Hold their hands in a fist and hold their hands to their face
  • Hold a gaze and follow the movement of an object or face that is within 12” from their site -- high contrast toys are best
  • Will look to your voice and startle to loud noises
  • Will know smells and knows when mom (and milk) is near!! 

Tummy time is play and work-out time. It’s important to develop strong upper body muscles. Just remember it should be on a low firm surface, and always supervised.

Your baby cannot be “spoiled” at this age – hold, cuddle, sing and rock your baby. Colic can begin around 3 weeks of age and continue to 3 months old. Its no fun for anyone, but this phase does pass!


Breastfed babies will feed on demand every 2-3 hours, and this works out to 8-12 times over a 24-hour period. Babies may feed hourly at this age – especially during a growth spurt!

Don’t forget the daily Vitamin D: 400 IU daily (found over the counter in all pharmacies) as it is the only thing missing from mom’s breast milk. Breastfeeding moms should continue their prenatal vitamins.

Formula fed babies may take 1-2 oz per feed during the first two weeks, and up to 4 oz per feed by one month, or 20-30 ounces per day. Feed your baby upright in your arms and use this as another time for cuddling and bonding. Burp your baby periodically by tapping on her back while holding her against your shoulder.


Always on his/her back in a crib or bassinet with a firm surface, free of blankets, toys, or other objects. Baby will sleep up to 16 hours per day but sleeping patterns will be irregular. Its ok if your baby sleeps for a 4-6 hour stretch at night – enjoy it! Wake the baby after 3 hours of napping during the day hours for feeds and tummy-time. Limit time sleeping in a car-seat or rocker chair. The best and safest position for sleep is on their back on a flat firm surface.


  • Back to Sleep
  • Rear facing car seat, in the back seat, always secured, without bulky clothing
  • Baby should be in non-bulking clothing so car seat straps fit snug
  • Child-proof your home if you haven’t already and know that infants can be little wigglers. A fall can happen easily and quickly
  • Avoid exposing baby to large crowds or lots of visitors as her his/her immune system is still very immature. Do not expose your baby to any contacts with cough, cold symptoms, fever, or any other contagious illness.
  • Use a rectal thermometer to take baby’s temperature. Call the office for any temperature 100.4 degrees or over. Do not give fever reducing medications until you consult with your child’s pediatrician. We encourage you to complete an American Heart Association infant CPR program


  • Recognize fatigue and rest when baby is sleeping
  • Take time for yourself and with your partner

All new parents can feel sad, frustrated, exhausted, or angry at times, but if these feelings overwhelm you, it may be postpartum depression. Speak to your baby’s provider or your OB.