Routine Well Visit: 11-14 years

Development - What to Expect

  • Has hobbies and active in sports, art, clubs, youth groups etc.


  • Starting to go through many different transitions- cognitively, socially and physically.
  • Puberty typically begins sometime between age 9 and 14. Discuss these body changes with your child - discourage risky behaviors and set clear expectations and consequences for poor behavior.
  • Encourage 8-10 hours of sleep each night since poor sleep can lead to difficulty in school, somatic complaints and poor functioning.
  • Try and foster an open, caring and accepting relationship with your child at this critical time in development.
  • Visit:, search topics like "Physical Changes During Puberty"


  • Limit total screen time
  • Counsel your child to avoid use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or inhalants and be clear about the dangers these behaviors present.
  • Discuss safe sex and birth control options. Encourage abstinence as the safest way to prevent pregnancy and avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) including HIV.
  • Always wear helmets when riding bike or scooter.
  • Ensure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working appropriately
  • Limit total screen time (TV, mobile devices, computer, iPad, videogames, etc.) to less than 1 hour per day.
  • Counsel your child to avoid use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or inhalants and be clear about the dangers these behaviors present.
  • Always wear helmets when riding bike or scooter.
  • Discuss "stranger danger" — teach your child that it is never okay for an adult to tell a child to keep secrets, or to express interest in private parts.
  • Review gun safety


  • Iron needs are increased further with menstruation. Encourage high iron foods like meats, legumes, and leafy greens.
  • Help your child learn to choose appropriate foods, including plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Share family meal time to make meal time pleasant, encourage conversation, and avoid distractions at the dinner table (no TV or mobile devices
  • Encourage healthy eating habits and discourage use of supplements for weight gain or weight loss
  • Encourage regular daily exercise

Visit:; Search "Nutrition and Supplement Use".